Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Chapter 5

In chapter five Vonnegut discusses the differences between men and women and what they want. Vonnegut says men want pals to be with and women want people to talk to and when they get married each gain more pals or people to talk to through extended families. People haven't been having many children to have large extended families for each gender to get what they want and that's why divorces have been taking place Vonnegut says. He mentions that people will think its about money or power but it's really just about people to talk to in almost any situation.

Vonnegut brings his point from the men and women to the Germans and Anglos. This chapter compares these points during the entire chapter. Vonnegut says Germans and Anglos had a fault line between them and the girls family didn't appreciate him being German. The chapter finishes off with Vonnegut talking about the Germans and Anglos and why they had a dispute and how this girls family and the Anglos like to have control.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Picture and song

"Well, it suddenly struck me
I just might die with a smile on my face after all"
That Joke isn't Funny Any more - The Smiths

The picture shows the best of nature. It shows nature with all it's colors and the wide variety of its different landscaped. Nature can someone's be a beautiful sight and others it can be very gloomy at other times. Natures everywhere and always surrounding us. It's a huge part in everything's life.

This song quote is a very strong one. It has emotions to it when you read it. It makes you think that was this man going through to have to say this? Was it something good in his life or something very bad. It makes people think of personal experiences and others. Was it just a joke to begin with or was it meant to be serious? It's a good quote to put views on. 

Chapter 4

In "A Man Without a Country" chapter four Vonnegut talks about the game of life. Vonnegut gives examples of people's success or failures in this chapter to summarize what life is all about. Vonnegut informs everyone that life's a game and the successful people have won it and the failures have lost it. The game thats played whoever has the most money in the end wins the game and whoever doesn't have enough loses. He gives the story of Adam and Eve as an example of how one was persuaded into eating the apple. Since one had eaten the apple both got in trouble from it. The game has choices to make to be successful and incidents can cause people to fail.

Vonnegut mentions a cigarette company that the owner had made billions of dollars on. The man that did this is obviously a winner in the game. This man is obviously a winner because he has the money to buy whatever he wants. Money is the key to winning the game. He then mentions substance abuse about drunks seeing pink elephants. These "drunks" have not won the game since they can't play the game without substances in the way.This chapter was one focusing on what life consists of and how it is a game and can be won or lost through making good or bad choices.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Question 2

Should we, as humans, value creations? Even bad ones?

As humans creations are what we strive on throughout our lives. Human lifespans range from one to one-hundred and ten years. Creations are what keep us motivated through our lifes because everything is a creation In a way. Without creations we would still be in there Stone Age since nothing would have been created. Every creation is an advance for everyone not just humans. Humans should value these creations more though since we can take action with the creation and evolve it.

Every creation has a good purpose. That means a bad creation does not exist since every creation is an advance in its own way. A human should value every creation because any and every creation can lead to an even more remarkable discovery. People say the atomic bomb was a bad decision to make but, since the atomic bomb further things have led off that to new creations. As humans we strive for creativity and new things to mess with in the future.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kurt's writing

Vonneguts writing in "How to Write with Style" reflects in how he wrote "A Man Without A Country".  In "How to Write With Style" Vonnegut says to just be yourself in your writing and not to make it boring. Keep the readers attention throughout it with the readers wanting more. Nv ramble off topic or about pointless nonsense just to take up more space that will leave the readers with boredom. When writing you want to write about something you are interested in and readers in the same intest will read your work.

In "A Man Without A Country" Vonnegut talks about himself and his life and never rambles on about an unwanted topic throughout the book. Vonnegut sticks to his topic on his life story and how he grew threw his life. He does exactly what he says to do in his how to write with style piece.

Monday, November 10, 2014


All of the blogs had the right information needed. Almost all of them were well developed as needed. There was a few though that had absolutely no information on the book that wasn't persuading or informing people about the book. It did not follow the guidelines or the purpose of the assignment which did not help in getting votes for the book he/she wanted. In the end though most of the presentations were very well developed persuading power points.

In the persuading of high school students you should find there interests. As in persuading kid with a lot of adrenaline tell about the action parts of the book. Most of the presentations were on key as in telling the action parts and what the story was about and why we would wanna read the book. Most of huge presentations were on "teacher man" but "A Man Without A Country" won due to the amazing persuasion skills used by the one and only teacher of ours.

Novel Choice

My vote for the book for the class to read is "A Man Without A Country". I chose this book because I would rather read about a mans life that was in World War Two than a teachers life. In the book A Man Without A Country it is a story of his entire life and what had happened and how it went downhill. It seems that the story would keep everyone wanting to read more to find out what happens to this man throughout his life. Vonnegut seems to have a good book about his life that isn't a boring one that just lists things in his life but goes into detail on his struggles and his feelings during them.

From the small portion of the book I had read it seems great. Reading some of the book was what really got me sold and doing my presentation also since I had to know information for my PowerPoint. That gave me information on there book and the information on the book made it seem like a good book for the class to read. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The test

We had a test on Thursday which I wasn't very worried about in the he beginning since we had reviewed for days for the test. I had reviewed the night before for the test and a few nights before that so I thought I had knew it pretty well. But that all changed once the test was handed out. 

I knew right when I turned the test over I had no idea what half the stuff was and studied for the wrong stuff. The test had so much random things on it that I had no idea what it was and cried a little inside. I knew most of the test but then once the short answer questions came I had no idea what I was doing. I answered them to the best of my ability but I don't think that was good enough. After the test was finished I had known I didn't make a good grade on it. After that though I remembered that it's the beginning of the quarter and I have plenty of time to make that grade up.

Learning experience

During this week we will take the PSAT test Wednesday as well as a lot of other schools will be taking it also. This test is a big learning experience and an idea of what the future holds in learning since we aren't supposed to know everything on the test and that shows what we will learn in the future. Since today is Thursday and I took the test Wednesday I'm aware that the test was difficult but since it wasn't a grade it wasn't a very big deal. The criteria was to do your best and try to fill in all the bubbles in the time given.

I had never taken the PSAT before but I have taken the ACT. I didn't see the difference between the two or if there is supposed to be a difference between the two in the first place. The test was fairly long and the problems got harder as the test advanced on. I'm gonna be honest when I say I had no idea what to do for some if the questions and just put down a random answer due to the question just being difficult for me. Overall the test is worth taking and a great test to take to see what you should learn in there future to do better on it so you can get into a good collage.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Writing Style

The many years I have been in school I've had to write a lot of papers and do a lot of presentations so over the years my writing skills have improved. I have always enjoyed writing personal stories as a little flash back to the years before. Even though after I write them and get them handed back to me with a grade on it I throw it away it's just enjoyable writing them not keeping them. Most people enjoy writing as a stress reliever and I guess I do th same thing to an extent.

I only write at school never at home. I always have something else to do instead of sit down with some quiet time and write stories but when I'm made to do it for a grade I don't resist doing it since it's something I enjoy. Over the years as the literature gets harder as you get farther into school a lot more is expected of you in your writing. Though that is harder it's still fun and not boring if it's an interesting topic.

Gender criticism

Gender criticism has been going on for a very long time. It doesn't matter how old you are you will always hear a joke about the opposite gender throughout your life. That is what makes gender criticism important since it's something that you will always hear. When learning about criticisms gender criticism is a good one to focus on and to understand.

Way back when females were just known as maids and house helpers and that's where all these jokes come from. As in the one everyone knows "women should stay in the kitchen and make sandwiches". Although women aren't maids and house workers anymore the jokes stay with us and people should learn why they are there and the history of the genders.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New Year

The first day of school is never a fun day. Summer is long and free then all of a sudden you have to wake up early and go to school. My first day was just another casual first day I go to school then find my classes then wait to go home. It is the same every single year and it never gets better. As school goes on it gets easier and easier to wake up in the morning and waking up gets into routine so school itself becomes easier.

The switch from being a freshman to a sophomore was basically nothing. It feels no different being a sophomore except being able to call myself a sophomore. It's the same routine as last year and it's fairly boring since it's gonna be the same thing two years in a row. Currently school is slow going and not much fun. It's just I go to school for the weekdays and during those weekdays just wait for the weekend to come back so the summer feeling can come back.

Labor Day

Labor Day is a great day since everyone gets outof school. Anyday outof school is a good day in my opinion. I'm not sure what Labor Day is or what it means to others as a holiday. Holidays for me are just more days to sleep in late and no work to worry about.

Almost all holidays gets you out of school for a day or even a week. Labor Day for me is a day to recuperate for all those long days in school I had to go through. Even though it's only one day it's plenty enough to be appreciative for just like any other holiday.


My sermon was gonna be on the potato and why it is great to the world. My presentation would have started with explaining some background history of the potato and why I am doing a presentation on just a simple food item. Then I would have had some pictures of potatoes and there glory of the food race. Then present the nutrition facts and tell the class how amazingly healthy they are.

The second half of the presentation would be on comparing the potato to other foods. The comparisons would make the potato look like a great thing as an example comparing it to bacon and a Big Mac. During the presentation if I was any good at showing emotions I would show sadness on how people don't choose the potato over all other foods and then get very happy when saying the nutrition facts and comparing it to Big Macs.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Waffle house

Waffle House is a great place to go anytime of the day. No matter what time you go into Waffle House the people are very nice and energetic and full of life. I prefer not going there during the day due to it being so packed all day so I usually go around 2 in the morning so there is no wait.

When I go there I usually bring around 20 dollars and leave very satisfied. There food is cheap so you get a lot of it for not that much money. The downside about Waffle House though is the strange people you see there at 2 in the morning. There is always your typical meth head kind of just sitting there all jittery. Waffle House is a great place to go though whenever you are hungry.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I think an American is someone that was born in the USA due to them calling themselves Americans and not the southern area or northern area of the continent calling themselves Americans. I guess since we stole the tittle "Americans" we should be considered them since we call our home America. An American in my mind has to speak English and was born in the USA or have took the test and legally became an American. An American is not someone who jumped the border and showed up here and then just called themselves an American is has to be legal people. That is what I consider an American.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

American literature

American literature it seems to be the North and South Americas way of writing, speaking, or presenting the English language. American literature would have too be made by someone American. It would also have to be proven to be American literature by higher ups.