Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Vonneguts title A Man Without A Country.

The question is why did Vonnegut choose to title his book "A Man Without A Country". After reading  "A Man Without A Country" I realized the title didn't have anything to do with the book. The book is about Vonneguts thoughts on society and a summary of his life. Vonnegut chose this title because he doesn't believe he is part of a country. Vonnegut is in his own social bubble that few other people have the same intellectual thoughts.

Vonnegut hated most of society it seemed. "We are here to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different". Vonnegut also had a strange sense of humor also. It seemed he was lonely and thought he was alone on whatever he was trying to portray with his life. I'm not actually sure why he chose the title and I can't really think how it would match up to the book. A better title would've seemed to be a life story of Vonnegut.

1 comment:

  1. The thoughts that he explains are how he thinks the government has turned there backs on the citizens or how his country has stopped caring for its citizens.
