Thursday, October 16, 2014

The test

We had a test on Thursday which I wasn't very worried about in the he beginning since we had reviewed for days for the test. I had reviewed the night before for the test and a few nights before that so I thought I had knew it pretty well. But that all changed once the test was handed out. 

I knew right when I turned the test over I had no idea what half the stuff was and studied for the wrong stuff. The test had so much random things on it that I had no idea what it was and cried a little inside. I knew most of the test but then once the short answer questions came I had no idea what I was doing. I answered them to the best of my ability but I don't think that was good enough. After the test was finished I had known I didn't make a good grade on it. After that though I remembered that it's the beginning of the quarter and I have plenty of time to make that grade up.

Learning experience

During this week we will take the PSAT test Wednesday as well as a lot of other schools will be taking it also. This test is a big learning experience and an idea of what the future holds in learning since we aren't supposed to know everything on the test and that shows what we will learn in the future. Since today is Thursday and I took the test Wednesday I'm aware that the test was difficult but since it wasn't a grade it wasn't a very big deal. The criteria was to do your best and try to fill in all the bubbles in the time given.

I had never taken the PSAT before but I have taken the ACT. I didn't see the difference between the two or if there is supposed to be a difference between the two in the first place. The test was fairly long and the problems got harder as the test advanced on. I'm gonna be honest when I say I had no idea what to do for some if the questions and just put down a random answer due to the question just being difficult for me. Overall the test is worth taking and a great test to take to see what you should learn in there future to do better on it so you can get into a good collage.