Thursday, September 25, 2014

Writing Style

The many years I have been in school I've had to write a lot of papers and do a lot of presentations so over the years my writing skills have improved. I have always enjoyed writing personal stories as a little flash back to the years before. Even though after I write them and get them handed back to me with a grade on it I throw it away it's just enjoyable writing them not keeping them. Most people enjoy writing as a stress reliever and I guess I do th same thing to an extent.

I only write at school never at home. I always have something else to do instead of sit down with some quiet time and write stories but when I'm made to do it for a grade I don't resist doing it since it's something I enjoy. Over the years as the literature gets harder as you get farther into school a lot more is expected of you in your writing. Though that is harder it's still fun and not boring if it's an interesting topic.

Gender criticism

Gender criticism has been going on for a very long time. It doesn't matter how old you are you will always hear a joke about the opposite gender throughout your life. That is what makes gender criticism important since it's something that you will always hear. When learning about criticisms gender criticism is a good one to focus on and to understand.

Way back when females were just known as maids and house helpers and that's where all these jokes come from. As in the one everyone knows "women should stay in the kitchen and make sandwiches". Although women aren't maids and house workers anymore the jokes stay with us and people should learn why they are there and the history of the genders.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New Year

The first day of school is never a fun day. Summer is long and free then all of a sudden you have to wake up early and go to school. My first day was just another casual first day I go to school then find my classes then wait to go home. It is the same every single year and it never gets better. As school goes on it gets easier and easier to wake up in the morning and waking up gets into routine so school itself becomes easier.

The switch from being a freshman to a sophomore was basically nothing. It feels no different being a sophomore except being able to call myself a sophomore. It's the same routine as last year and it's fairly boring since it's gonna be the same thing two years in a row. Currently school is slow going and not much fun. It's just I go to school for the weekdays and during those weekdays just wait for the weekend to come back so the summer feeling can come back.

Labor Day

Labor Day is a great day since everyone gets outof school. Anyday outof school is a good day in my opinion. I'm not sure what Labor Day is or what it means to others as a holiday. Holidays for me are just more days to sleep in late and no work to worry about.

Almost all holidays gets you out of school for a day or even a week. Labor Day for me is a day to recuperate for all those long days in school I had to go through. Even though it's only one day it's plenty enough to be appreciative for just like any other holiday.


My sermon was gonna be on the potato and why it is great to the world. My presentation would have started with explaining some background history of the potato and why I am doing a presentation on just a simple food item. Then I would have had some pictures of potatoes and there glory of the food race. Then present the nutrition facts and tell the class how amazingly healthy they are.

The second half of the presentation would be on comparing the potato to other foods. The comparisons would make the potato look like a great thing as an example comparing it to bacon and a Big Mac. During the presentation if I was any good at showing emotions I would show sadness on how people don't choose the potato over all other foods and then get very happy when saying the nutrition facts and comparing it to Big Macs.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Waffle house

Waffle House is a great place to go anytime of the day. No matter what time you go into Waffle House the people are very nice and energetic and full of life. I prefer not going there during the day due to it being so packed all day so I usually go around 2 in the morning so there is no wait.

When I go there I usually bring around 20 dollars and leave very satisfied. There food is cheap so you get a lot of it for not that much money. The downside about Waffle House though is the strange people you see there at 2 in the morning. There is always your typical meth head kind of just sitting there all jittery. Waffle House is a great place to go though whenever you are hungry.