Wednesday, May 13, 2015


In Mr. McElveens class how do you succeed? Succeeding in McElveens class is simple. All you have to do is follow one simple rule and that is too do your work. You can fail every test he gives you (which is barely ever) and do all your blogs and reports and such in class and you will have a B. The work given in his class is not difficult it's just time consuming. We are high schoolers and we have time to do this work regardless of what each and everyone of us says. We should be able to finish this work in the time given. The only reason anyone is failing is because of being lazy and not completing the assignments we are given.

There are few rules also to not get in trouble with the almighty McElveen. We do not call him Chad, Chadwick or any other name besides Mr.McElveen. We do his assignments and that keeps you out of  getting a Saturday school to go back and make up the assignments. The last rule I have learned in his class is too follow his few demands. If he asks to stop talking, just stop talking. If you have not had McElveen yet you are going to have a fun time. He puts in the effort to make his class relatively exciting everyday and it's not a class you get sad every time you go to it. It's one of the few classes you will look forward too everyday and if you follow the few rules you will be fine.

The Last Few Days

As the end of our sophomore year approaches us quickly there is still work to be done. There will always be work to be done in school. The work that has to be done at the end of very year is usually the same which is preparation for exams. The students usually receive study guides and the teachers usually review with the students. What is expected on the exam can be anything from the entire year since it's the last exam of the year. In English II we have gone over plenty of writers, stories, time periods, etc and that's all open game for the exam.

I expect the exam for English II to be difficult but not for the reasons of knowing formulas but for the reason of there being so much knowledge we have acquired during this year. Teachers enjoy giving exams and seeing the kids make good grades and knowing that they taught the students what they needed to know and that they are ready to move onto the next grade in school. I'm expecting no less than for my teachers to give us difficult exams because I know that the teachers here enjoy challenging there students and making them think.